Ne Tiranë, u organizua Konferenca e Aleancës Gratë në Uniformë, WIUA, përkrahur nga Ambasada e Britanisë .Pjesëmarres ne konference kanë qenë: Nënkryetarja e SHGSHKK-së Bedrie Salihu dhe ish Kryetarja Ardita Osaj-Blakaj, se bashku me perfaqesuae te institucioneve tjera te Sigurisë.
The Women in Uniform Alliance Conference (WIUA) in Tirana, supported by the British Embassy, brought together various influential figures and representatives from security institutions. Notably, WAKCS Vice President Bedrie Salihu and former President Ardita Osaj-Blakaj participated in the conference alongside other representatives from the security sector. The event emphasized the importance of women’s roles and contributions within security and defense fields, fostering collaboration and dialogue among key stakeholders.